Like I said before… I have 2 Belgian Shepherds Gronendeal at home and another Gronendeal with a Co-Ownership,allso i owned One Schipperke - the first Schipperke in Israel, and she is haves the most successful carieer
My Maisy is Israel champion and the mother for 3 beautiful offspring’s that 2 of them are mine Alpha Barkai named Shiva, and Ajisit Barkai named Yoko
and she held by Baruch Torjeman
That litter was the first litter in the kennel (born on 16.6.05)I hope to have more healthy nice litters in the kennel.
Maisy is 5 years old (1/3/03) and I got her for a present from my ant, and Maisy bred by Bilha Koninsky from Israel
:More about my dogs
Alpha Barkai - SHIVA
Shiva is the first pic of "BARKAI" litter, her father is from French famous blood lined and her mother Maisy id from VAN LANAS HOF,DE SINCFAL and OF THE TWO blood lines.
Shiva was kept to continue the breeding program .
Shiva as much as the other family and dogs, sleeps in our beds, eats the best food and play with kids and take a big part in our family.
she is used as a Junior Handler dog, she haves allso protection abuilty and high obedience
Shiva @ 4 weeks old and me

At 6 months
At 8 months
At 14 monthes
At the age of 16 monthes
BiH, Montenegro, Israel CH.Elegan van simvic - CHICKY,Blg. Import;Breeder: Vic Wilms
Chicky is our little devil of the family, we waited for her TWO YARS and then with the help of Bilha Koninsky , we made contact to a sweet and lovely couple of breeders ; Vic and Simone Wilms
now after a long waiting, the adoreable trublemaker has arrived and she worth every minute we have her
Chicky is the first Schipperke in Israel and one of the top dogs in the Israeli Shepherds Club
only in 17 monthes she was placed seconed in BEST IN SHOW out of 11 breeds
At 7 monthes old
photo credit to Yossi Guy,Shachar Alfi
- .JPG)
At 14 monthes old
photo by : Avishag Morgenstern
Israel Chempion MAISY Bilha
My first purebred and showdog, she is my baby that nobody will replace her
she is a wonderful mother, partner and Junior Handler dog
she is very dominant to other dogs but love kids and long walks on the beach when the sun goes down
At the age of 3
At the age of 4
photo credit to Shachar Alfi,Maya Shaham
Photo by : Avishag Morgenstern, Maisy by the age of 4 and half years
Yoko is a gurdian and protection dog, she loves her family and friendly to any kind of dogs, she is not a stranger lover and very suspicious
Yoko have one of the most noble expression, and everybody loves her
she lives with another Gronendeal friend Basko and they can play on and on and on
Ajisit Barkai- "Yoko" at the age of 8 monthes
At the age of 16 monthes