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Johnny Depp News

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

'Shantaram' to Film in January

ScreenDaily.com reports the upcoming Johnny Depp film Shantaram will begin filming January 19, 2008 and will take 75 to 80 days to complete.

New York-based director Mira Nair left Toronto Saturday night after a short 24-hour visit to the festival – she's now in Mumbai preparing for her largest film yet, Shantaram.

The $100m project, for Warner Bros with Graham King's GK Films producing and Plan B on board, starts shooting Jan 19 for what she estimates will be at least 75-80 days.

The book is set in Australia, India and Afghanistan, and Nair says that India is the only confirmed location so far. "In America I have to orchestrate the chaos, in India I just film it. It's so visceral and lively."

Johnny Depp and Amitabh Bachchan will star. Eric Roth adapted Gregory David Roberts's book about a former drug addict who works with children in Bombay.

Taking Chances with 'Sweeney'

The Chicago Sun-Times has a brief article about the upcoming Sweeney Todd film with a few possible minor spoilers of plot line (in case you're trying to avoid those). There are a couple of good quotes from Johnny, though:
"The beauty of it is Tim takes chances no matter when, no matter what," says Depp, who adds that the minute his favorite director approached him, he was in.

"I started telling people that the minute I put down my Pirates sword that I was doing a musical. People thought, 'No.' I said, 'Yeah, I'm doing it.'" Depp jokes.

Depp Makes Night Life List

He actually makes the list twice, according to a Times Online article hunting down the most popular dining and night spots in Paris:
The Buddha Bar may once have been renowned for its passing trade in international stars, but these days its giant effigy is more likely to look out over a wide-eyed sea of celebrity-hungry tourists and cash-ready businessmen. The entertainingly extravagant Mandala Ray or Man Ray (owned by Johnny Depp, Sean Penn, John Malkovich and Mick Hucknall) still hangs onto its A-list credibility, as does the opulent and fabulously fake Hôtel Costes, designed by Jacques Garcia and the setting for that real-life love story – when Johnny met Vanessa.

Johnny Depp, Luggage King?

I found this entertaining -- JustJared.com has declared Johnny Depp the "Lord of Luggage" with this shot of his arrival for the Venice Film Festival:

Actually, that's not too bad considering he travels with, like... oh, a dozen people. LOL

Depp Photos Share Exhibit

Newsday.com reports photos of Johnny Depp will be included in an exhibit at the New York Film Festival.
Autographed Polaroids of actors and filmmakers will make up "One Last Shot: Signed Polaroids, Photographs by Henry Garfunkel," which will run from Sept. 17th to Oct. 31st, in conjunction with the 45th New York Film Festival. The pictures, shot at the end of photos sessions, spotlight a more informal side of such luminaries as Johnny Depp, Helen Mirren, Jamie Foxx, Pedro Almodovar, Penelope Cruz, John Waters and Tim Robbins. The photos were taken over several years, beginning in 2000 at the Sundance and Toronto Film Festivals.

The exhibit will be held in the Frieda and Roy Furman Gallery, adjacent to the Walter Reade Theater at Lincoln Center. The opening reception will be Sept. 25 at 6:00 p.m.

Recent Interview with Vanessa

The Belgian magazine Weekend Knack offers an interview with Vanessa Paradis in which she discusses her new album, her children and fame. An excerpt in English can be found on CelebrityBabyBlog. A few of the highlights include:

In that song, Jackadi, your son is singing along. Was that your idea?

Yes. On my previous disc my daughter sang along. He needed his own song, I thought. It's a beautiful souvenir for when he's older. We'll always have little Jack on tape.

You are getting married this summer?

God, we've been married for so long already! Can you be more married than having children together then?

Sneak Peek at 'Sweeney'

The Guardian offers a brief glimpse from Venice of Johnny Depp's presentation of Tim Burton's lifetime achievement award and the footage of Sweeney Todd:
Tim's perfect barbershop duet

I was given an exclusive peak at the first footage from Tim Burton's upcoming film version of Stephen Sondheim's Sweeney Todd, which will be released next year. Johnny Depp was presenting a clearly delighted Burton with Venice's career Golden Lion, incredibly the director's first ever award from a major film festival. Depp said: 'Tim is my favourite director. I feel very lucky to have been included in his life and in his world of cinema. He's a true original and a true auteur, a rare breed in today's cinema.' The exclusive clip was then shown. It featured Depp's Todd duetting with Helena Bonham Carter's panda-eyed Mrs Lovett. Both were doing their own singing, and most impressively, as they powered through a dark ode to a cut-throat razor. In the brief dialogue, it seemed that Depp might just have finally got a decent cockney accent, and he held the gleaming object up like Edward reunited with his Scissorhands.

At the end, the camera flew out of the window to reveal Mrs Lovett's pie shop and an intricate, beautiful shot over the sky line of Dickensian London. This awesome set has been designed, at Pinewood, by the legendary Cinecitta team of Dante Ferretti and Francesca Lo Schiavo.

Depp Film at NC Teen Night

The Henderson County Public Library in North Carolina (U.S.) will screen the Johnny Depp film Secret Window at their Teen Movie Night this Friday, Sept. 14. The film will be shown at 6:15 p.m. in the Kaplan Auditorium. Admission is free.

'Sweeney Todd' Goodies

Playbill.com reports Nonesuch Records will release the soundtrack for the upcoming Sweeney Todd film, although no date has been set for its release. Nonesuch also released the recent cast recording from the Sweeney Todd revival on Broadway.

The article also mentions a film companion book written by Mark Salisbury which will be released December 4. The book will reportedly include "interviews with Burton and the cast and crew, extracts from the shooting script, over 200 photos, plus concept drawing and production designs."

Depp Interviewed for Petty Biopic

All Headline News reports Johnny Depp provides a featured interview in a biopic about legendary rocker Tom Petty which will premiere at the New York Film Festival next month.

The widely anticipated retrospective of one of America's all-time finest singer/songwriters will chart the progress of Petty and his band, the Heartbreakers, all the way from a Gainesville college-town bar-band to their current role as the foremost purveyors of anthemic Americana.
Runnin' Down a Dream, directed by Peter Bogdanovich, will be screened at the close of the New York Film Festival October 14th and then open in select cities the following day. It is said to include "archival material, 8mm footage, live and rehearsal clips, along with lengthy interviews from the likes of Stevie Nicks, Eddie Vedder, George Harrison, Jackson Browne, and Johnny Depp."

Johnny has long been associated with Tom Petty, having starred in the Heartbreakers' music video for "Into the Great Wide Open" in 1991.

Friday, October 19, 2007

New 'Sweeney Todd' Trailer Clip

There's a new version of the trailer here:


I can't get it to work right (it stalls out and gets all pixelated), but some people have been able to get it to work. Hopefully a better version will come along soon.

Sweeney Soundtrack at Amazon

The Sweeney Todd soundtrack CD is now available for pre-order on Amazon.com. According to the site, the title will be released Dec. 18. Thanks to Guy for the tip!

Universal's Halloween 'Nightmare'

Universal Studios in Hollywood and Orlando is hosting "Halloween Horror Nights Carnival of Carnage", a PG-13 event which includes contemporary horror icons like Jason and Freddy Krueger. According to ajc.com, one of the eight haunted houses is the "Nightmare on Elm Street" house, which includes a replica of the bloody bed where Johnny Depp met his end in the original film.

Visit halloweenhorrornights.com for more information.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Should Johnny Lead the Classic Pack?

American Movie Classics (AMC) is conducting a poll asking readers to choose Today's Classic American Actor -- one who embodies the country as we now know it. Johnny Depp is currently leading the pack with 27% of the vote, followed closely by Tom Hanks and George Clooney respectively.

Personally, I'm not sure Johnny is really the perfect choice for this particular poll. That's certainly no slam against him, I just don't think he embodies American culture the way Tom Hanks and George Clooney do. If the poll had asked, "Who's the Best Actor?", then sure, Johnny Depp hands down. But though he is an American actor, he tends to have more of a global scope. He defines many things, but his body of work is not limited to a particular culture or geographical boundary -- and 100 years from now, historians couldn't look at his films and say, "Ah, now that's America at the turn of the 21st century..." In that sense, I think the others are far better choices for this poll.

So, what do you think?
Post Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 8:52 am Post subject: 'Shadows' still draws devoted fans, and Johnny Depp too Reply with quote

'Shadows' still draws devoted fans, and Johnny Depp too

By Richard Knight Jr. | Special to the Tribune
October 26, 2007

It has been more than 35 years since "Dark Shadows," daytime's long-running gothic soap opera from the 1960s, went off the air. But like its leading character, the moody, lovelorn vampire Barnabas Collins, nothing has been able to kill off the intense following the show continues to boast.

Two feature films based on the show were made in the early 1970s; a remake of the series hit the airwaves in 1991, and the original episodes after being rebroadcast over the years have been released on videotape and are now making their way to DVD—including the pre-Barnabas episodes, both from Orland Park-based distributor MPI Home Video. MPI will release the 4-disc, 40-episode "Dark Shadows: The Beginning Collection 2" on Tuesday. Members of MPI's exclusive "Dark Shadows" fan club will get their hands on the third set of "Beginning" episodes in November, while the general public will have to wait until February. Like other cult shows, "Dark Shadows" hosts annual conventions and offers fans a steady supply of collectibles, new and vintage (everything from boxer shorts to board games to bobblehead dolls). But with any luck, by next Halloween—or the one after that—a whole new crop of vampire lovers may join the coven, and the "Dark Shadows" resurrection will be complete.

The cause for the unholy excitement is due to a small announcement in Variety that Johnny Depp plans to co-produce and star as Barnabas in a new "Dark Shadows" movie.

"We've always wanted to do it as another feature and I read that Johnny Depp was a fan of the show so we approached his people," said Jim Pierson of Dan Curtis Productions, which created the series and oversees its marketing. "This was like eight years ago, when 'Sleepy Hollow' came out."

At that time director Tim Burton was interested in directing as well. "Johnny Depp's always been so busy," Pierson added, "But now he's figured out a way to squeeze it in his schedule." But though an agreement has been signed to develop "Dark Shadows" as a film for Depp, there's no word on whether Burton will join him, and a rumor that Rob Zombie is taking the directing reins is just that, according to Pierson. The agreement also calls for the new movie to be faithful to the original premise of the show.

That's something fans will breathe a sigh of relief over. Even with its overripe gothic plotlines and supernatural characters, "Dark Shadows" shared plenty with typical soap operas of the period—a given with its daytime-sized budget and tight shooting schedule that found accidents and missed cues caught on tape. But Dan Curtis, the show's creator (who died last year) always insisted that it be played straight, and any new incarnation as well.

Jonathan Frid, the original Barnabas Collins, who played the part throughout the series and in the 1970 feature "House of Dark Shadows," is now 82 and retired. But Pierson was able to lure him out last summer to participate in a celebratory 40th anniversary convention. Though Frid doesn't give interviews, Pierson had him autograph a photo for Depp and said, "He certainly wishes him well to carry it on as he did when Ben Cross played the part in the revised series in 1991."

Many of the other original cast members are still active in show business. David Selby, who played Quentin, the show's heartthrob, appears in HBO's "Just Tell Me You Love Me," and Lara Parker, who played the beautiful witch Angelique, recently released her second "Dark Shadows"-themed novel.

From her home in California, Parker mused on the seemingly immortal popularity of "Dark Shadows." "During last August's convention I turned to Kathryn Leigh Scott (the show's Maggie) and I said, 'You know, "Dark Shadows" gets better ever year. How can this be?' and she said, 'Because there's never been anything like it,' which I think is true. I think it has a certain emotional tug to it as well."

As for one of Hollywood's hottest actors taking on the "Dark Shadows" mantle, Parker commented, "I'm very proud that Johnny Depp is going to make a movie from our show. ... I think he'll be marvelous and I think there could be not one, but many made. There are five years of "Dark Shadows" stories to draw on, after all
Post Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:04 am Post subject: 'Pirates 3 - AWE' - Box Office ... Updates
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'Pirates 3 - AWE' - Box Office ... Updates


'Pirates' Has $43 Million Opening Day

Saturday May 26, 1:29 pm ET
By David Germain, AP Movie Writer

'Pirates of the Caribbean' Pulls in $43M but Misses Opening-Day Record Set by 'Spider-Man 3'

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Johnny Depp and his pirate friends pulled in a lot of plunder, but fell far short of a record opening day.

"Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" raked in $43 million domestically Friday, well behind the $59.3 million opening day for "Spider-Man 3" just three weeks earlier, according to studio estimates Saturday.

The numbers for "At World's End" were skewed somewhat because the Walt Disney Co. had preview screenings at about 3,000 theaters Thursday night in advance of the movie's official Friday release.

The movie pulled in $14 million at those screenings, putting its domestic total at $57 million in just over a day. Without the Thursday screenings, much of that business would have been done on Friday instead, putting "At World's End" in range of the top single-day grosses.

"Spider-Man 3," released by Sony Corp., had broken the single-day box-office record of $55.8 million set last July by "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest," part two in the action-comedy franchise starring Depp as boozy buccaneer Jack Sparrow.

"Making $57 million in a day and a half is not bad for a bunch of pirates," said Paul Dergarabedian, president of box-office tracker Media By Numbers. "Had all those preview numbers been folded into Friday, it would have maybe been the second-biggest single day in history."

"At World's End" also grossed $43 million Friday in 102 international markets. That put its worldwide total at $141.2 million since it began rolling out overseas Wednesday.

Despite opening in a record 4,362 theaters, "At World's End" is unlikely to break the all-time high for a three-day weekend, also held by "Spider-Man 3" with $151.1 million, said Chuck Viane, Disney head of distribution.

"Spider-Man 3" snatched the record away from the "Pirates" franchise, which had set a new high of $135.6 million with "Dead Man's Chest."

Viane said the record Disney aimed for is best four-day Memorial Day weekend debut. That record is held by last year's "X-Men: The Last Stand" with $122.9 million.

"At World's End" has a shot at that mark if it maintains its Friday momentum.

"Today's date is what matters," Viane said Saturday. "What matters to me now is how is it going to do today?"

The length of "At World's End" -- two hours, 47 minutes, nearly half an hour longer than "Spider-Man 3" -- is a factor, limiting the number of screenings theaters can squeeze in each day.

Reviews for "At World's End" were mixed at best, though the same was true for "Dead Man's Chest" and other recent blockbusters including "Spider-Man 3" and "Shrek the Third."

"We always have this disparity between the critics and the commercial," Viane said. "People just love the idea of Johnny as this character and the whole premise of the trilogy coming to an end."

"At World's End," whose Caribbean portions were shot at the same time as "Dead Man's Chest," picks up where the second movie left off, with Depp's Sparrow consigned to Davy Jones' locker and old allies and enemies (Keira Knightley, Orlando Bloom and Geoffrey Rush) embarking on a voyage to save him.
Post Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:15 pm Post subject: Johnny #14 - Hollywood's Most Influential Industry Players Reply with quote

Premiere.com Ranks Hollywood's Most Influential Industry Players With 18th Annual Power List

NEW YORK, Oct. 25

Premiere.com (Hachette Filipacchi Media U.S.) announces its 18th annual Power List, a ranking of 50 of film's most influential actors, directors, producers, studio executives and agents. Premiere.com editors compile the list based on box office results, news reports and in-depth interviews with participants and experts in the film.

The number one spot is occupied by Fox Film Chairmen-CEOs Jim Gianopulos and Tom Rothman (#3 last year) who have provided Fox with stable, sharp- minded, and aggressive leadership and a record-breaking string of profitable years. Fox's 2006 hits including The Devil Wears Prada, Borat, and The Simpsons Movie.

Amy Pascal, Cochairman Sony Pictures Entertainment and Chairman, Sony Pictures Entertainment Motion Picture Group is the highest ranking female, at #3, a spot she shares with colleague Michael Lynton, Chairman-CEO Sony Pictures Entertainment.

Current Hollywood golden boy Judd Apatow leaps into the ranking, at #13, from previous Power List obscurity with low-budget hits Knocked Up and Superbad.

With genre-proof success, Will Smith is the highest ranking actor at #9 (ranked #14 last year). He excels at action, comedy and even a father-son weepie like the The Pursuit of Happyness, which grossed $302 million worldwide. Other actors rounding out the top 20 include: Johnny Depp, at #14, and Brad Pitt, #15, Tom Hanks #18 and Tom Cruise #20. Matt Damon just missed out, ranking #21. 21-year old actor Shia LaBeouf appearance in the mega-hit Transformers and casting in the upcoming Indiana Jones secured him a spot on the list at #50.

Reflecting the current industry malaise towards actresses, only four actresses made the list (compared to 19 men). Angelina Jolie is the first female thespian to appear coming in at #32. Despite taking supporting roles and making smaller films, Jolie remains as high-profile - and in high demand- as ever. Julia Roberts at #37 just bests Reese Witherspoon #38. Jodie Foster landed at #45 due to the success of The Brave One, which was the first film in 2007 top-lined by an actress to open at number one.

Web site: www.premiere.com

From the Premiere.com website.

TITLE: The Virtuoso

STATUS REPORT: With his studied quirkiness, quiet sex appeal, and penchant for oddball characters, Johnny Depp is not the likeliest choice for global superstar, but chalk it up to Captain Jack Sparrow and the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy (coming on top of his series of Tim Burton hits). Other than the keen oversight of producer Jerry Bruckheimer, Depp's loosey-goosey charm is the driving factor behind the Pirates movies' overwhelming success.

NEXT: The movie version of Stephen Sondheim's cannibal musical Sweeney Todd, suspected Oscar bait and his sixth collaboration with Burton; and Shantaram, a Mira Nair–directed tale of an addict-convict who reinvents himself as a doctor, which Depp is producing and starring in.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

'Sweeney Todd' in EW

This week's issue of Entertainment Weekly features a Q&A interview with Johnny Depp and an article about the making of Sweeney Todd. Thanks to Guy for the link!

Here's the article:


The Johnny Depp Two-Step
by Richard Horgan 11/19/2007 at 5:44:25 PM
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Round One of the official Oscar promotion campaign for the new Tim Burton film Sweeney Todd hit the strike-choked Broadway boards last week and was a runaway PR success.

“First peaks leave people gasping and saying Depp is sure to get another Oscar nod,” relays New York Post columnist Liz Smith today. “Depp’s performance has got Oscar written all over it,” chimed Roger Friedman on Thursday, November 15th. And TheEnvelope.com’s Tom O’Neil, who has been banging this drum long before he saw a single frame, was positively giddy on Wednesday November 14th in the wake of the much heralded 17-minute New York tease, writing that the movie is “a serious contender to win the Oscar for Best Picture, just as I’ve been telling you for months.”

You can expect more of the same after Round Two is completed this weekend in London, via the official November 23rd-25th press junket for Sweeney Todd. It is being held in conjunction with the junket for The Golden Compass, a movie that is likely to come out of the proceedings not quite so golden.

But before we start anointing Depp and Burton masters of the 2007 Oscar ball, it’s worth pointing out that this combo has not exactly slayed Academy voters in the past. Their five previous collaborations have garnered three wins, none of which connect to them directly (Best Makeup and Best Supporting Actor for Ed Wood; Best Art Direction for Sleepy Hollow). Then there are the five additional nominations over the years: a couple of Best Costume Design nods (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Sleepy Hollow), another Best Makeup nomination (Edward Scissorhands), Best Cinematography (also for Scissorhands) and a Best Animated Feature kudo for The Corpse Bride.

Beyond suggesting that Sweeney Todd is assured of some costume, art direction and-or similar awards recognition, it’s really a leap of faith given the film’s dark tone to vault it, as some are, ahead of other contenders such as Atonement, No Country for Old Men and perhaps even Charlie Wilson’s War. It’s a crowded adapted field this year, and though Sweeney Todd’s Oscar marketing consultant Terry Press knows what she’s doing (not to mention the subliminal advantage of her portentous last name), it’s a little premature to start chorusing the victory dance.

According to Burton, the earliest the completed film can be screened is Thursday, November 29th. As press screenings start into the early weeks of December, we will be in the thick of Round Three. But it is Round Six that could really tip this thing in the direction of the above early prognosticators, e.g. when the Hollywood Foreign Press Association - who absolutely LOVE Depp - come out with their nominations.


Splashing out ... Johnny

This luxury West Country pile has been snapped up by Pirates of the Caribbean star JOHNNY DEPP.

The actor, 44, has splashed out a reported £1.3million for the 150-year-old Somerset mansion.

He is now busy renovating the old hunting lodge, including building a helipad, swimming pool and tennis court.

Johnny, who also has pads in France and America and a 45-acre Bahamas island, will live there with French actress partner VANESSA PARADIS, 34, and their two kids.

A source said: “He’s made regular trips overseeing the work.”

The renovations are said to be costing Johnny £2.5million. Sounds like a shipload of doubloons.


Photos from L.A. Screening

I've created a new album for photos from last night's L.A. screening of Sweeney Todd. Enjoy!

Depp Courts Dillinger Role

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Johnny Depp is in talks this week with director Michael Mann for a possible role in a film about Depression-era gangsters.
Johnny Depp doesn't shy away from blood in the upcoming "Sweeney Todd," for which he's being touted as a major Oscar contender, and he might again find himself awash in blood if he opts to join up with producer-director Michael Mann for a film about the Depression-era crime wave.

Mann has long been interested in mounting a screen adaptation of Brian Burrough's nonfiction book "Public Enemies: America's Greatest Crime Wave and the Birth of the FBI, 1933-34" for Universal; at one point, Leonardo DiCaprio was attached to the project, but DiCaprio is headed into Martin Scorsese's "Shutter Island."

But Mann -- who has considered taking the helm of Columbia's spy thriller "Edwin A. Salt" but has not committed to that project because he believes it needs a rewrite -- has an open slot.

As for Depp, he was to have starred in Warner/Initial Entertainment's "Shantaram" followed by Warner Independent's "The Rum Diaries," but both of those projects were postponed last month, leaving the star with an opening in his schedule.

So Depp and Mann are sitting down this week to discuss the possibility of joining forces; Depp is said to be eyeing the role of bank robber John Dillinger. Along with Mann, Kevin Misher is on board as producer; Robert De Niro and his partner Jane Rosenthal, who originally optioned the book, have been involved as exec producers; and the studio is looking at a March start in Chicago if all the elements come together.

Depp & Burton Visit "Today"

MSNBC offers the video of Johnny Depp and Tim Burton's appearance on the Today Show discussing Sweeney Todd. Click the image below to view the video.

No Ballet for Johnny

RadarOnline reports Tim Burton has dispelled rumors that he has signed Johnny Depp for a role in a ballet film.
Sorry Johnny Depp fans ... you won't be seeing the star in tights anytime soon. Despite Internet rumors that crazy-haired director Tim Burton has tapped Depp for a ballet flick, Burton cleared up any misconceptions at Monday's Sweeney Todd premiere.

"There's no truth to that. But I did read that rumor on the Internet," Burton told reporters at the Ziegfield Theater. "I guess once people read anything on the 'Net, they assume it's true, right?"

Burton added, "You know, I do think Johnny's going to become the next David Hassellhoff in Germany. He'll be getting a recording contract there once they hear him sing and realize he can do it."

Burton Earns Best Director Honors

Reuters Canada reports Tim Burton won the National Board of Review's Best Director award today for Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Congratulations, Tim!

The NBR, though fallible, is often viewed as a reliable predictor of Oscar results:

NBR members include educators, historians and film industry professionals, and its awards can portend winners at the Oscars, the world's top movie honors presented in February by The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Still, NBR honors are no guarantee of Oscar success. The board sometimes disdains box office blockbusters in favor of more esoteric choices, and two years ago delayed announcing winners after garnering criticism for omitting directors of critically acclaimed films like "Capote" and "Walk the Line."

Johnny Depp Is Sexy. Duh.

Johnny Depp took the #5 spot in the list of 100 Sexiest Movie Stars in a poll conducted by EmpireOnline.

Johnny Depp
Living proof that there’s nothing more sexy than not giving a damn what others think. Depp’s taken roles that could have been embarrassments in any other hands (Edward Scissorhands, Willy Wonka) and dresses like he’s being attacked by a charity shop, but his innate air of cool makes everything work.

Sexiest Moment
Hallucinating numerous incarnations of himself in Pirates of the Caribbean 3. The only thing better than Captain Jack is more Captain Jacks.

Did You Know...?
He’s played guitar on two Oasis records.

'Sweeney Todd' New York Premiere

I've added an album for new photos from tonight's premiere of Sweeney Todd in New York. More photos will be added as they become available, so stay tuned!

He's color-coordinating with Depp Impact again. *heh*

Photo Gallery Updates

I'm in the process of updating all the photo galleries on the site to a new and much more efficient design. It will take a little time to transfer it all over, but once it's done, it will be a lot easier to use on your end and to keep updated on mine. (Yay!)

In the meantime, here's a look at the new design with photos from the recent Sweeney Todd press conference. I'll also be adding screencaps from "At World's End" when the DVD is released tomorrow.

If you have any issues using the new gallery format, downloading pics, etc., please let me know so I can fix it as quickly as possible.

Thanks, and enjoy!
Here are the noms...


Cecil B. DeMille AwardSteven Spielberg

Best Motion Picture - DramaAmerican

Imagine Entertainment/Scott Free Productions; Universal Pictures

Working Title Productions; Focus Features

Eastern Promises
Kudos Pictures – UK Serendipity Point Films – Canada A UK/Canada Co-Production; Focus Features

The Great Debaters
Harpo Films; The Weinstein Company/MGM

Michael Clayton
Clayton Productions LLC; Warner Bros. Pictures

No Country for Old Men
A Scott Rudin/Mike Zoss Production; Miramax/Paramount Vantage

There Will Be Blood
A Joanne Sellar/Ghoulardi Film Company Production; Paramount Vantage and Miramax Films

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - DramaCate

Blanchett – Elizabeth: The Golden Age

Julie Christie – Away From Her

Jodie Foster – The Brave One

Angelina Jolie – A Mighty Heart

Keira Knightley – Atonement

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama

George Clooney – Michael Clayton

Daniel Day-Lewis – There Will Be Blood

James McAvoy – Atonement

Viggo Mortensen – Eastern Promises

Denzel Washington – American Gangster

Best Motion Picture - Musical Or Comedy

Across The Universe
Revolution Studios International; Sony Pictures Releasing

Charlie Wilson's War
Universal Pictures/Relativity Media/Participant Productions/Playtone; Universal Pictures

New Line Cinema in association with Ingenious Film Partners; New Line Cinema

Mandate Pictures/Mr. Mudd Production; Fox Searchlight Pictures

Sweeney Todd
Parkes/Mac Donald and Zanuck Company; Warner Bros. Pictures

Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy

Amy Adams – Enchanted

Nikki Blonsky – Hairspray

Helena Bonham Carter – Sweeney Todd

Marion Cotillard – La Vie En Rose

Ellen Page – Juno

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical Or Comedy

Johnny Depp – Sweeney Todd

Ryan Gosling – Lars and the Real Girl

Tom Hanks – Charlie Wilson's War

Philip Seymour Hoffman – The Savages

John C. Reilly – Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

Best Performance by an Actress In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture –


– Gone Baby Gone

Cate Blanchett – I'm Not There

Julia Roberts – Charlie Wilson's War

Best Animated Feature FilmBee Movie

DreamWorks Animation; DreamWorks Animation

Pixar; Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Distribution

The Simpsons Movie
Gracie Films; Twentieth Century Fox

Best Foreign Languge Film

4 Months, 3 Weeks And 2 Days (Romania)
Mobra Films; IFC First Take

The Diving Bell And The Butterfly (France, United States)
A Kennedy/Marshall Company and Jon Kilik Production; Miramax/Paramount Vantage

The Kite Runner (United States)
DreamWorks Pictures Sidney Kimmel Entertainment and Paramount Classics Participant Productions Present a Sidney Kimmel Entertainment and Parkes/Macdonald Production Distributed by Paramount Classics

Lust, Caution (Taiwan)
Haishang Films; Focus Features

Persepolis (France)
247 Films; Sony Pictures Classics
Johnny Depp is set to shoot another upcoming movie “Public Enemies”.

The new role of the actor will be to play John Dillinger, considered the most notorious gangster of the era.

The drama, based on the 2004 novel of the same name, is set during the 1933-34 crime wave, where J. Edgar Hoover's FBI was on the prowl for such infamous criminals like Dillinger and Baby Face Nelson.

The director of the movie is Michael Mann is ready to begin shooting in Chicago in March 2008. Mann wrote the script, based on Bryan Burrough’s 2004 tome.

Recently Depp presented his late movie Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. This is a 2007 film adaptation of the Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler musical of the same name. The film stars Johnny Depp in the title role, in his sixth collaboration with director Tim Burton.


Best Motion Picture - Musical Or Comedy

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Parkes/MacDonald and Zanuck Company; DreamWorks/Paramount Distribution / Warner Bros. Pictures

Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical Or Comedy


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Depp Reacts to Oscar Nomination

The following is a statement from Johnny Depp regarding his Oscar nomination for Sweeney Todd:
"My sincere thanks to the Academy for this kind nomination. It is both an honor and a privilege to be aligned amongst such ability. My endless gratitude also to Tim Burton and the entire cast and crew of 'Sweeney Todd,' without whom I would not be here today." -- ET Online

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Another Oscar Nomination

Johnny Depp has been nominated for an Oscar in the category of Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role for Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Congratulations, Johnny!

The film has also been nominated in the categories of Achievement in Art Direction and Achievement in Costume Design.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End also garnered a couple of Oscar nods. The film has been nominated for Achievement in Makeup and Achievement in Visual Effects.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Johnny Speaks of His Golden Globe Win

The following is a statement from Johnny Depp on his Golden Globe win Sunday:

"I would like to thank my beloved friends at the Hollywood Foreign Press Association for bestowing such an honor on me. It is a humbling experience, especially in the company of such talent. For many years the HFPA has supported my work and for that I have always been truly grateful. While this is indeed a happy day for me, I am overjoyed at the recognition the film as a whole is receiving. Tim is a dear friend and a true artist whose vision and skill inspire us all. He is a genius. Without his unwavering trust and support, I would not be anywhere near where I am today. Also, big thanks and respect to Helena, whose simply staggering performance as Mrs. Lovett is a wonder to behold. I must send a behemoth salute to the wonderful crew and cast of SWEENEY TODD and all at Dreamworks/Paramount and Warner Bros. Pictures. In addition, I'd also like to extend my sincere gratitude to, first and foremost, my cherished friend and agent of forever ago, Tracey Jacobs; the extraordinary man and producer, Richard Zanuck; the mastermind Stephen Sondheim; and, of course, my precious family, Vanessa, Lily-Rose and Jack, for all of their love, support and pure and absolute happiness everyday. Overall, I believe it to be a proud achievement for everyone involved and on behalf of us all, I thank you."

Johnny Wins Golden Globe

Johnny Depp was honored with a Golden Globe award Sunday for his performance in Sweeney Todd.
  • BEST MOTION PICTURE, COMEDY OR MUSICAL: Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Congratulations, Johnny!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

People's Choice Awards 2008

The votes are in, and although many stars did not participate due to the writers' strike, the results include Johnny Depp in several categories:

Favorite Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Favorite Threequel: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

Favorite Male Movie Star: Johnny Depp

Congratulations, Johnny!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Depp to film in Wisconsin, Chicago

Reports indicate the film Public Enemies is slated to begin filming March 9 and will be shot on location in Chicago, IL as well as Madison, Oshkosh and Milwaukee, WI. Production is expected to run through June.

Directed by Michael Mann, the film will star Johnny Depp as John Dillinger, infamous gangster and bank robber of the 1930s.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Depp to Film in Wisconsin, Chicago

Reports indicate the film Public Enemies is slated to begin filming March 9 and will be shot on location in Chicago, IL as well as Madison, Oshkosh and Milwaukee, WI. Production is expected to run through June.

Directed by Michael Mann, the film will star Johnny Depp as John Dillinger, infamous gangster and bank robber of the 1930s.

'Starstruck' by Johnny

In an article in Sunday Mirror, Zoë Ball, British TV and radio personality, confesses to being tongue-tied when she met Johnny Depp:
Do you get starstruck?

ZB: Yes! When I met Johnny Depp I couldn’t string a sentence together. He’s sweet and lovely but shy. Bless him, he was very patient with me asking the same question over again, trying not to stutter.

Depp Will Not Attend Luncheon

According to an article in the L.A. Times, Johnny Depp and several other acting nominees will not be attending the Oscar nominee luncheon Monday. The article doesn't mention the reason, but I would assume scheduling conflicts.
Psssst — here's who is skipping the Oscar nominees lunch

On Monday afternoon, the academy hosts its annual luncheon for Oscar nominees at the Beverly Hilton. Expected among the crowd of more than 100 hopefuls are all five directors who made the cut as well as all of the nominated writers. However, the acting branch will be represented by only 11 of the 19 nominees.

Double nominee Cate Blanchett will be a no-show (as she was last year), as will lead actor contenders Daniel Day-Lewis, Johnny Depp and Tommy Lee Jones, supporting actor hopefuls Philip Seymour Hoffman and Tom Wilkinson and supporting actress nominees Saoirse Ronan and Tilda Swinton

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Harwood Recalls Meeting Depp

Screenwriter Ronald Harwood recalls meeting Johnny Depp and briefly discussing his script for the film The Diving Bell and the Butterfly in an interview with The Telegraph. Johnny was originally slated for the lead role in the film but was unable to complete it due to previous commitments.
The film is based on the memoirs of Jean-Dominique Bauby, the editor of the French Elle who, as the result of a stroke, was left paralysed but for one eyelid. The studios gave the picture the go-ahead after having seen only the first draft of Harwood's script and Johnny Depp, originally slated to play the Frenchman, was effusive in his praise.

'I was at a showing of Finding Neverland, which Depp was in,' Harwood says, 'and they told me he wanted to meet me. I went over and he held my hand, looked me in the eye and said, "I love your screenplay and I can't wait to start filming."

'I knew then he wasn't going to do it. I've been around actors long enough to know that look. And I was right, he went off and made two pirate pictures.'

Despite Depp sailing off into a Caribbean sunset, the film went ahead - with Javier Bardem in the role - and since opening in America in November it's garnered a clutch of awards.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Depp Puts Kelly at Ease

In an interview with the Daily Mail, actress Laura Michelle Kelly talks about being cast with Johnny Depp in Sweeney Todd and his attempt to make her feel more at ease on the set:
As well as playing the dual role of a nun and Johnny (Coronation Street) Briggs's young trophy wife in a forthcoming ITV1 production of Agatha Christie's Nemesis, she can be seen as a prostitute who ends up as a syphilitic old beggar in Tim Burton's new screen version of the musical Sweeney Todd.

With a cast led by Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Sacha Baron Cohen and Alan Rickman, that's quite a movie baptism for our heroine, who's still only 26. But being kissed off-camera by Johnny Depp helped to put Laura Michelle at her ease, apparently.

"Johnny kissed me on the cheek on the set one day when I was in make-up as the ugly old hag. Everyone else was running away from my make-up, but I think he figured out that I felt really hideous and wanted to be nice to me."

Towns Excited Over 'Enemies'

Residents of several midwest towns are excited over the prospect of the Johnny Depp film Public Enemies being filmed on location.

According to The Northwestern, downtown businesses in Oshkosh, WI, are already being briefed on potential changes to building facades and business routes to accommodate shooting schedules in March or April.

The Beacon News is reporting Michael Mann and associates scouted Aurora, IL, to check out authentic locations such as the historic Paramount Theatre. According to the article, Aurora mayor Tom Weisner sees only one drawback:
Mayor Tom Weisner echoed her excitement, saying that he is glad to see the painstakingly preserved theater appreciated by Hollywood. The Paramount would be historically accurate to the time of the film -- it opened in September 1931.

"This would be really cool," the mayor said. "My only concern would be keeping my wife 400 feet from Johnny Depp."

Another Flower Child?

According to the Celebrity Cafe, Tim Burton and Helena Bonham-Carter have settled on a name for their baby daughter born Dec. 16 -- Indiana Rose. If true, it begs the question as to whether it was inspired by Johnny Depp's daughter, Lily-Rose. The report, however, has yet to be confirmed.

Regardless of her name, I'm sure she's a beauty. Belated best wishes to the Burton/Bonham-Carter family!

'Sweeney' Costumes on Display

According to L.A. Downtown News, costumes worn by Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter in the Sweeney Todd film are part of a display of movie costumes hosted by the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise.
Turning the first corner, all eyes go to the emerald green silk charmeuse (a satin-like fabric) dress from Atonement earning raves for Oscar nominee Jacqueline Durran. Across from that are mannequins dressed in black and gray period costumes that Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter wore in Sweeney Todd.

What's surprising are some of the other outfits with bold candy stripes, bright pink and royal blue. Where were those in Tim Burton's dark film?

"The costumes were used for a fantasy sequence: Mrs. Lovitt's escape world," said Colleen Atwood, a two-time Academy Award winner for Chicago and Memoirs of a Geisha, by email from Chicago where she is on location for Public Enemies.Atwood obviously enjoys working with Burton; she's joined him on six other films. "Tim is an artist and has a great eye," she said. "He enjoys seeing what all of us come up with. His movies always have a great sense of play."

Depp, like many top actors, has a provision in his contract that permits him to keep his costumes. He agreed to loan FIDM his Sweeney Todd outfit, which Atwood brought to the museum just in time for the Jan. 28 opening.
The Art of Motion Picture Costume Design exhibit runs through April 12 at the FIDM Museum and Gallery on Grand Avenue in Los Angeles. Visit the museum's web site for more information.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

'Sweeney' DVD Set for April Release

According to Hi Def Digest, the standard and HD DVD release of Sweeney Todd is slated for April 1 in the U.S.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Cage Talks Depp on Radio Show

According to an article on Digital Spy, Nicolas Cage briefly discussed steering Johnny Depp toward acting in an interview on Heart FM radio:

Nicolas Cage has revealed that he pushed Johnny Depp to take up acting.

The 44-year-old was introduced to Depp after he moved to LA with his garage band The Kids in his late teens.

He told Heart FM: "I met Johnny many years ago - he was a guitar player and had come to Los Angeles from Florida.

"We had a mutual friend and we were just playing Monopoly one day. I told him he ought to try acting so I introduced him to my agent and the next day he got his first audition and got the part.

"I can't really take credit for it... I was just one small step in his whole career... but that's just how it happened. It was quite simple."

He added: "Please don't ask me who won the game of Monopoly, though, I can't remember... it was a long time ago!"



johnny upcoming movies:
 Public Enemies (2009) (pre-production) .... John Dillinger

Full cast and crew for
Public Enemies (2009)

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Directed by
Michael Mann  
Writing credits
(in alphabetical order)
Ronan Bennett   screenplay
Ann Biderman   revised screenplay
Michael Mann   revised screenplay

Cast (in alphabetical order)

Christian Bale ... Melvin Purvis

Johnny Depp ... John Dillinger

Channing Tatum
Marion Cotillard ... Billie

John Ortiz ... Frank Nitti
Create a character page for: ?

Produced by
G. Mac Brown .... executive producer
Bryan H. Carroll .... co-producer
Robert De Niro .... executive producer
Michael Mann .... producer
Kevin Misher .... producer
Jane Rosenthal .... executive producer
Cinematography by
Dante Spinotti  
Casting by
Avy Kaufman  
Costume Design by
Colleen Atwood  
Art Department
Tom Castronovo .... art department assistant
Michael Diersing .... construction coordinator
Cliff Zimowski .... set decorating coordinator
Casting Department
Kim Coleman .... casting: Los Angeles
Elizabeth Dionne .... casting manager
Lois J. Drabkin .... casting associate
Jason Fischman .... casting assistant
Helen Geier .... casting
Robyn Owen .... casting associate
Leeba Zakharov .... casting associate
Costume and Wardrobe Department
Danielle Phelps .... wardrobe assistant
Transportation Department
R. Blaine Currier .... picture car coordinator
Manny Demello .... picture car captain
Justin Hendrickson .... picture car mechanic
first assistant accountant

MySpace Layouts

Shantaram (2009)



Mira Nair
Gregory David Roberts (novel)
Eric Roth (screenplay)
Release Date:
2009 (USA) more
Drama / Crime / Action more
Plot Summary:
A heroin addict incarcerated for a robbery escapes prison and reinvents himself as a doctor in the slums... more
Plot Synopsis:
This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis
Plot Keywords:
Based On Novel
Production Notes/Status:
Status:Jennifer Connely as Karla
Delayed due to the WGA strike.

Additional Details

Parents Guide:
Add content advisory for parents
English / Marathi
Filming Locations:
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA more

The Rum Diary (2009)



Bruce Robinson
Bruce Robinson (writer)
Hunter S. Thompson (novel)
Release Date:
2009 (USA) more
Adventure / Drama more
Plot Summary:
Begun in 1959 by a then-twenty-two-year-old Hunter S. Thompson, The Rum Diary details the life and events of Paul Kemp... more
Plot Synopsis:
This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis
Plot Keywords:
1950s / Puerto Rico / Based On Novel
Production Notes/Status:
No known start date.
Status Updated:
30 January 2008
Because this project is categorized as being in production, the data is subject to change; some data could be removed completely.
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 (Credited cast)

Johnny Depp ... Paul Kemp

Additional Details

Also Known As:
Hunter S. Thompson's The Rum Diary (USA) (working title)
Parents Guide:
Add content advisory for parents
English / Spanish
Filming Locations:
San Juan, Puerto Rico

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